Doublet of Antonello Petrucci
from 1585 is in
collection of San Domenico Maggiore in Naples.
belonging to Mary,
Queen of Scots, ca 1587, National Trust Collection, Coughton
from the Catherine
of Medici's epoche (1590), Ecouen, Musée National de la Renaissance.
late 16th century,
Castle Church Sarospatak, Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum, Hungary.
Spanish style dress
from 16th century
found in Sarospatak, Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum, Budapest.
from 16th century
found in St. Martin's Church, Szombathely.
Girl's dress
found in the grave
in Boldva (16th century), National Museum of Hungary, Budapest.
Italian Cloak
in Spanish style.
Last quarter of 16th century, Los Angles County Museum of Art.
Velvet Coat
made around 1590
is in Nordiska Museet's collection. Stockholm.
Spanish Doublet
from 1590 - 1610
is in collection of Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Paris.
of buff leather
from late 16th century located in The Museum of Leathercraft,
Court dress of elector Christian I
the end of 16th
century, Dresden Historisches Museum.