pourpoint from the
first half of the 15th century, Heimatmuseum, Stendal
Capa Leonis
Cope, which was used
during Sigismund's coronation in 1414, Aachen Cathedral Treasury.
Dalmatic of Wenceslas IV
reconstruction of
silk burial garment of Wenceslas IV (1419), Prague castle.
created in
1420-1430 is shown in Kulturhistorische Museum, Rostock.
Dress from Moy bog
was maybe made in
15th century in Ireland.
Devotional robe
of Golden fleece
order. Scenes embroidered by silver, silk thread and decorated by
pearls, 1426-1432, Kunsthistorishes Museum, Vienna.
Farsetto of Pandolfo III
probably from 1427 is shown in Museo Civico di Fano, Italy.
Mantle of brocade velvet
Italian work from
1430. Berne Historical museum.
Tunic of Galeotto Roberto Malatesta
Italian work from
ca 1430. Chiesa Corpus Domini in Ferrara.
Arming jacket
from 1140 - 1460.
Sankt Annen Museum, Lubeck.
from mid 15th century.
Now located in Ermitaz, Sankt Peterburg.
Dalmatic of Ladislaus the Posthumous
(+1457), Prague
castle, St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague.