We also present extant
Turkish clothing, mainly from 16th century stored in Topkapi Sarayi Muzesi,
in Istambul, Turkey.
from 14th century.
Location unknown. Photo - Sara Kuehn, Islamic Art
Sultan's caftan
caftan of Mehmed (1444-1481)
in museum Topkapi
Sultan's caftan
silk caftan from
16th century (museum Topkapi, Istanbul)
Sultan's caftan
silk caftan lined
by fur, 16th century (museum Tokapi, Istanbul)
Atlas caftan
with sleeves was
made for sultan Suleyman, middle 16th century
Ceremonial caftan
for Sehzade Mehmed,
2nd quarter of 16th century |
Children caftan
silk children
caftan with sleeves, 2nd quarter of 16th century
Leather coat
Turkish leather
coat with applications. Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum
Talismanic shirt
made from fine
linen or cotton decorated by ornaments and verses from Koran, 2nd
quarter of 16th century
Talismanic shirt
of Sehzade Selim 1564-1565